Export Reactions

Export Reactions in LAVA

Learn how to seamlessly export base reactions from LAVA into a TXT file format and view the detailed data. Perfect for structural engineers designing foundations or podiums for multi-story buildings, this tutorial walks you through the entire process, showcasing how…

A Quick Tour of LAVA

This video will give you a quick tour of the workflow of LAVA and how to get results fast. LAVA, a comprehensive Windows-based structural engineering software designed for the intricate analysis and design of wood-framed structures. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and…
LAVA Gravity Plate

LAVA Feature Review

Explore the power and versatility of LAVA, the cutting-edge software designed for structural engineers. In this short video, we take you through a comprehensive overview of LAVA’s features, showcasing its loading presets, lateral and gravity load calculation and automated load…