What is LAVA?

Efficiently model and analyze wood-framed structures in record time.

LAVA, a comprehensive Windows-based software designed for the intricate analysis and design of wood-framed structures. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and extensive material databases, LAVA transforms the way engineers approach both lateral and vertical structural analysis, making it faster, more accurate, and remarkably efficient

Seamlessly Connected

The modules of the program interact automatically to produce a final engineering design

Regional Adaptation

Pre-set multiple regional & local specification preferences.

Loading Consideration

Choose from a library of preset load options for various types of roof, floor, deck & special conditions in LAVA’S database.

Gravity & Lateral Modeling

  • Gravity and Lateral are modeled independently to give full modeling flexibility
  • Framing directions are automatic and can be adjusted
  • Model cantilever conditions
  • Quick modeling tools available including copy, mirror and rotate


  • Flexible, Rigid or envelope of both analysis types 
  • Diaphragm torsion considered for both wind and seismic 

Automatic Load Transfer

  • Level-to-level from beams, bearing walls, and shear walls with Omega factor as applicable
  • Manual input available

Hardware Selection

Automatic selection of straps, hold-downs, manufactured shear walls and tiedowns.

Calculation Report

  • Customizable calculation report
  • Select what to include in the final report
  • Table of Contents will update automatically